This Christmas, we have an exciting opportunity to show the love of Jesus to children in need on the other side of the world!
In years past, we have partnered with Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child, a wonderful organization, to provide Christmas gifts for children in need in various countries. On average, we reach around 400 children by filling shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, essential hygiene items, and more – which is great!
However, this Christmas we have the chance to “think outside the box” and partner with our own supported mission NACEA in India to provide Christmas gifts for 2,500 children! Wow!
This year, instead of filling shoeboxes with gifts, we will be raising money. Since the price of toys, school supplies, etc. is so much less in India than the U.S., and shipping costs are incredibly expensive, it makes much more sense to send the money we raise together to NACEA and the Paul family so they can purchase the items for the children. By doing this, we are able to show the love of Jesus to ten times more children than if we were to buy the items here, pack boxes, and ship them!
We are so excited for what God is going to do through the generosity of His people at Antioch!
You may make donations by cash, check to Antioch Christian Church with the Memo “India Christmas Project” and place them inside the special offering envelopes and into the Joy Box, or give online in our App by selecting “India Christmas Project” in our giving platform.
Please be in prayer about what God is placing on your heart to give.